miércoles, 29 de agosto de 2012

Lady Gaga - Fotos de Terry Richardson

Me and Lady Gaga backstage before the show.
Como ya lo había comentado en  otras publicaciones , el fotografo y amigo de Gaga, Terry Richardson ha documentado ( fotos) la gira  " The Born This Way Ball Tour" y he aquí unas de las nuevas fotos

 Lady Gaga backstage after the show #2

Lady Gaga backstage after the show #1

Lady Gaga on stage.

Lady Gaga giving me the finger during the show.

Lady Gaga in the quick change.

Lady Gaga taking oxygen.

Lady Gaga with Little Monsters after the show.

Lady Gaga on the phone #2

Lady Gaga on the phone #1

Lady Gaga on the phone #3

Lady Gaga just before going on stage in Helsinki #1

Lady Gaga stretching before the show.

Lady Gaga just before going on stage in Helsinki #2

Fozzi Bear the dog.

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